Author name: TheJase



Three years ago today Hobson came into my life. He’d been rescued from a council pound by Team Poundie just 24 hours before his 7 days were up and he would be put to sleep. I can never thank them enough for both saving Hobson’s life and bringing him to me. After all that he’d

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Terminator Night

1991 – Terminator 2 is released. It was a Tuesday night. Myself, along with fellow students Iain, Marc & Chris took my Vauxhall Viva (a.k.a Road Warrior) to the Preston multiplex cinema to see the long awaited sequel to The Terminator. Needless to say we were impressed. Arriving back at the student house I shared

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The sun, the moon, the stars, the sea Are so immense compared to me I’m just a spot, a speck of dust In space & time I’m nothing much One day I’ll join the Mother Earth And rot away within the dirt Then Where my flesh has decomposed A whole new crop of weeds will

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Film Pitches

1. Vault. A bank robbery is interrupted by a zombie outbreak. A disparate groups of people make it to the vault. One has been bitten, but he’s also the robber and he has the gun. The oxygen is running out, but what is beyond the vault’s door? 2. Jack to the Future, A scientist decides

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In the Parkview home for the elderly God played solitaire. Nurse.  Cuppa tea. God. Bless you my dear, anything on the telly? Nurse. At six we put Songs of Praise on.  God. Never mind. I think I’ll stick to cards. Nurse. Maybe you’d like a game with our new resident. Here he comes. God. Christs on

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Crude Awakenings

In 1975 saucy superstar Jack Ladd (Robin Askwith) falls off his ladder filming Revelations of a Window Cleaner. He spends the next 40 years in a coma being visited everyday by his most ardent fan Fanny Waters, who takes great pride in maintaining his iconic hairstyle. He miraculously awakens in 2015, a 25 year old

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